Saturday, April 24, 2010

HI.....I IZ BACK!!!!

HEWWO!!!! =3 I momentarily died I guess. lol, Spring Break is already over, and I finished the OAA's (formerly the OAT's) so I don't have anymore testing this year! YAY!!!! And I also made a pillow and started to learn how to cook!!! This year has been awesome so far!!! I also drew a bunch of new sketches!!

I got bored and drew a kitty version of me! YAY!!!

Some sketches I drew for a comic me and my best buddy are working on

My newest (and sorta most favorite) character that I have made, Mr.Deathsy.

A girl version of Mr.Deathsy XD
Also, I got a new pet Tarantula. I named him Mr. Deathsy. He is a very adorable little spider! I based my newest character off of my wittle pet =3 He stays in my room, where I can easily see him at all times, when I am in my room doing my homework or sleeping.


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I can always make you smile

true that