Friday, May 22, 2009

strange talents and music!!!! Part 1

Me am back!!!!Okay this time I REALLY DO have something COOL to post about!So I was in my art class about four weeks ago and one girl I had in my art class could stand on hands and legs with her stomach up in the air to where she looked like an upside down U and stay like that for 3 minutes. I also had a person I met at the YMCA that could almost stick their whole fist in their mouth.And just yesterday my friend Mr.T showed me that he could bend his tongue FIVE different ways!So I was thinking,do you have any strange or different talent?If so post a comment telling me about your strange talent! I might talk about your talent in my next post!!!!

There is a new song this week!:Going Under by Evanescence!
Story time:I had my friend S.L.S. (not a real name) staying the night so we were on youtube watching videos for my favorite comic,Grim Tales From Down Below.So I clicked on a video called "grim tales is going down" and this so happened to be the song for the video!I instantly fell in love with the song!

This is Taymam's awesome blog,bringing the awesome music awesomely fast (ha ha ha) =^.^=

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hi My peeps,long time,no see!As you can see my blog has taken a new direction!I have no longer posted about twilight every time!now I have been posting about music!This week's songs are 'time after time' by 'quiet drive' and 'Welcome home' by 'coheed and cambria'.Like the last song these songs storie behind them!
Time after time by quiet drive's story:One day my parents were watching "napolean dynamite" when the song time after time by cindy lopper came on in the movie!just hearing the song reminded me of the quiet drive today I decided to look the song up on and I actually found it!until next week this song will be the first song on my playlist!
Welcome home by coheed and cambria's story:One day I went to the movies with my grandma and mom.Of course the movie we saw was "coraline".I was watching the preview to other movies when a preveiw to a movie called "9" (at the bottom of my screen page)I instantly fell in love with the song!The minute I got home from the movies I added this song to my playlist!So for the next week this will be the second song on my playlist!
P.S. I took a quiz and I am now considered EMO!!!!!!
This is taymam's awesome blog!bringing the awesome music awesomely fast! (ha ha ha) (=^.^=)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

my new fave band

Hi peeps, guess what,I am now hooked onto a new band.The band is called My Chemical Romance and they are freaking awesome!!!I've known about them for a while but was never a big fan of them when I heard the on the radio.I have a friend that I nicknamed Mr.T (I will never say people real names in my posts) and I email him stuff all the time!Well one day I emailed him my playlist and he emailed me back and told me to listen to a song called Famous last words by My Chemical Romance!So just last week I was in Tech. Ed. class (snooze-fest) and the teacher was letting us listen to music while we did our work so I thought that I should probably get around to listening to the song Mr.T told me to listen to the previous day!I listened the song one time and I was immediately hooked onto this band.I think they might actually be my new fave band!If you have never heard of this band or this song and want to listen to it,the song will be the first song on my playlist for the next couple of weeks.I also have the music video on the bottom of my blog page!I have to say one thing though before you try to watch the video,It is a little wierd.So if you are easily creeped out by five guys in black band outfits that either have white or black hair,flames erupting from the ground, or a guy singing a song that looks either evil or just so mad he might punch someone lights out if they even barely touch him on the shoulder,DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO!!!I really,REALLY am serious!!!other then that this band is ah-mazing!I have this song and two other songs from them on my playlist!!

I have just one last thing.If you listen to the song or watch the video and get hooked onto My Chemical Romance,Do not thank me,thank Mr.T!


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